Climate Justice Advocacy Good Practices
From Local to Global Action

Table of Contents



Crece Selva Misionera  


Communities of Arauca in Defense of the Territory and the Environment 


Defense of the Economic, Social, Cultural, and Environmental Rights of Ethnic Communities in the Atrato Basin


Microclimate Insurance Pilot Project


Kebribeyah Sustainable Livelihood Project  


Encouraging Spiritual Awareness of Lutheran City Forest


Provision of Renewable Energy Systems and Electronic Learning Devices to Schools in Dadaab and Kakuma Refugee Camps


Palestinian Youth Climate Justice Initative


Together for Greenish Community


Climate Justice and Faith Certificate


Argentina / Dohmann, Romario  / Program Coordinator, Hora de Obrar Foundation 

Colombia / Carvajal, Erika Andrea / PME&Q Coordinator World Service Colombia and Venezuela Program

Colombia / Hernandez Vera, Francia Meyviz / Program Coordinator, World Service Colombia and Venezuela Program 

Colombia  / Vidal, Steffany Marimon  / Project Professional PME, World Service Colombia and Venezuela Program 

El Salvador / Palacios, Mercedes / Regional Officer Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change. World Service Central America Program 

El Salvador / Ruppenthal, Martin / Regional Representative, World Service Central America Program 

Ethiopia / Gebreyes, Sophia / Resident Representative, World Service Ethiopia Country Program 

Ethiopia / Ibrahim, Abdelkadir  / Senior Program Officer for food security and livelihoods, World Service Ethiopia Country Program 

Holy Land / Awad, Simon / Executive Director of Environmental Education Centre-EEC  

Indonesia / Pardosi, Rev Dedi / Director of The National Committee Lutheran World Federation Indonesia (KNLWF) 

Indonesia / Saragih, Berkatdo / Program Officer, The National Committee Lutheran World Federation Indonesia (KNLWF) 

Kenya / Gudina, Girma / Country Representative, World Service Kenya and Somalia Country Program 

Kenya / Kantai, Lilian / Senior Program Officer Protection and Social Cohesion, World Service Kenya-Somalia Program 

Kenya / Omundu, Collins / Project Advocacy Officer, World Service Kenya-Somalia Program 

Switzerland / Feil, Petra / Head of Quality and Accountability, World Service 

Tanzania  / Kapira, Erick  / Project Director 

Tanzania / Lazaro, Rastone / Project Coordinator and Technical Assistance 

United States / Berg, Sarah / Assistant Director and Acting Director, Centre for Climate Justice and Faith

United States / Morad, Phoebe / Coordinator of Certificate in Climate Justice and Faith Executive Director, Lutherans Restoring Creation

© The Lutheran World Federation, 2024

Published by: The Lutheran World Federation
Department for Theology, Mission and Justice

Chemin du Pavillon 2,

1218 Le Grand-Saconnex

Geneva, Switzerland

Editing: Elena Cedillo Vargas

Copyediting: Erin Green

Proofreading: Pauline Mumia, Stephane Gallay 

Layout: Erin Green, Immanuel Hapsoro

Research and compilation: Consulting Base Ltd: Julieta Castiñeira de Dios, Dominic Morgan 

Photo Credits

Argentina: Crece Selva Misionera Project photos provided by Fundacion Hora de Obrar.
Colombia: Communities of Arauca in Defense of the Territory and the Environment Project photos provided by LWF Colombia.Colombia: Defense of the Economic, Social, Cultural, and Environmental Rights of Ethnic Communities in the Atrato Basin Project photos provided by LWF Colombia and Guardianes Atrato.
El Salvador: Microclimate Insurance Pilot Project Project photos provided by LWF Colombia.
Indonesia: Encouraging Spiritual Awareness of Lutheran City Forest Photos provided by the LWF National Committee in Indonesia (KNLWF).
Kenya: Provision of Renewable Energy Systems and Electronic Learning Devices to Schools in Dadaab and Kakuma Refugee Camps Photos provided by LWF Kenya and Somalia.
Palestine: Palestinian Youth Climate Justice Initative Photos provided by the LWF.
Tanzania: Together for Greenish Community Photos provided by a LWF climate activist.
United States: Climate Justice and Faith Certificate Photos provided by the Centre for Climate Justice and Faith.

Stock photos were sourced using Unsplash.